Friday, February 18, 2011


So.... I decided to bite the bullet yesterday and start Aydan in underpants. He has been using the potty for monthssssss now (with some breaks) but a bunch of people said just to put them in them and try it and they swear it works.
Thursday was his 1st day.. which was Grandma day. He had 2 accidents in the morning, dry for nap and then peed after nap. He was dry for me most of the evening, until the evening and then had 2 more accidents.. by then I was sooo tired, I just put him in his diaper.
Of course, dry through the night.. (which he almost always is).
Today.. he only had 1 accidents in the morning. Got wet during nap. And then good almost all night. I put a diaper on his because we were driving 30 min to out of town and then to dinner. He peed in diaper during dinner and he did it, looked up like a light bulb, and told me "oh ooo, I peed." Which is nice because he realized he did it and wasn't supposed to. Before he was only saying "oh oooo" to pooping in the diaper. Sooo maybe we're heading somewhere in the right direction.
Let's see how the next week goes!

Oh, and I must saw that he looks SO CUTE in his little underpants... Handy Manny and Thomas the Train!

In baby news:  I have 17 days until my c-section date!!!  My contractions are defintely much more and I have had a couple that felt more like labor pains.... so who knows how many more days it'll be. With my luck, I'll go into labor like 5 hours before my actually surgery, ha.

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