Monday, January 24, 2011

33 weeks

I had my check up today. The doctor said everything looked and sounded great. The baby's heartbeat is slowing down a little bit.. sounds more normal now :)  In the early weeks the baby's heartbeat is super sonic fast, ha. I go back in 2 week and then I'm down to the last month, so its appts every week. :)
This week: Again, the skeleton is hardening, except the skull, because its still preparing for child birth and so can fit through the birth canal. Baby now weighs about 4 3/4 lbs., about like a cantaloupe. And is around 17.5 in long. She is getting more "rounder" everyday with the fattening. And the skin is now much smoother than ever.

I am tired more than ever lately and the nights are beginning to be very restless sleeps... between having to pee, her kicking and moving, Aydan occ waking up, and not being able to turn off my brain thinking about baby things to come.. I don't sleep much. Oh well, she's preparing me for when she comes.. then its not much sleep at all :)

48 days until due date. 42 days until c-section.

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