Sunday, September 12, 2010

14 weeks and counting...

I am 14 weeks today. Feeling ok. I still am tired 5 of the 7 days of the week. The light-headed ness is better, but still a little bit of a problem. Otherwise things are good and about the same as normal.
It says that the baby is the size of a lemon this week. Its about 3 1/2 in long. And can now pee.. hehe, cute.
I still try talking to Aydan about it but he just point to my belly button and says BB, which is belly button... or points anywhere near my belly, like my back or side and says "baby." I still call him my baby.. so its probably all confusing! He's still being a good boy and sleep all last week without any wake ups for juice or to be re-covered. :)  He must know Mom is tired.

The picture at 14 weeks, 2 weeks later, looks to be about the same. But this is the week where I feel its really starting to look a little different...  so you'll probably notice more in 2 weeks.

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